Here you will find current news, articles and reports for the area of immersive technologies and all relevant future technologies.
◯˙ weltfern Pvt Ltd
Floor 3 office no.2, Big City, Liberty chowk, Block E2 Gulberg III
Lahore (Pakistan)
WELTFERN (PRIVATE) LIMITED is incorporated under the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017)
A more detailed breakdown of the categories
- Virtual Reality Hardware: Games and Use Cases
- Augmented Reality: Headsets, use cases, genres, educational fields
- Mixed reality i.e. everything beyond AR and VR, internet technologies, platforms, etc.
- Robots (Robotic) and drones (Drones)
- AI – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Film and entertainment (360-degree films in the entertainment sector, VR cinemas, new films with VR / AR reference)
- Mobility (cars and means of transport – with focus on VR / AR)
- Tech-News (new releases hardware, relevant software, relevant news from the upper categories)
- Tech Guide (e.g. latest drivers with external download link, prototypes for download or guide articles on how to use and set up the latest hardware)
- Company lists (e.g. which current and relevant VR AR hardware is currently available, which companies use VR and AR)